
An introductory deep learning project using the MNIST letters database and various methods of analyzing and classifying the data using PyTorch. A brief report on my observations is also available on the linked page along with the code.

Created in two weeks for the UW Game Dev Club Winter Jam 2021, this project is a 2D top-down game with roguelike mechanics. It has dynamic soundtracking, a flexible wave system, items that can be added to any character and interact via hit, kill, heal, death, etc. The enemies also have state-based behaviors that are editor friendly. I made the art, animations, and music in addition to architecting the game and writing all of the code during the two week time period I had to make it.

Created in two days for the 2020 GMTK jam, this top-down 2D shooter uses very unusual shooting mechanics to guide chaotic gameplay that matches the theme "out of control." This project was a collaborative effort with Eraser_Cat on, with the majority of programming being done by me and the art and music asset work split roughly 50/50. The total work time on the project was under 14 hours.

This project is a cookie clicker-like game made entirely using DOM manipulation in javascript (meaning the interactable game elements are all HTML DOM elements, and their organization and movement occurs through CSS). Done for a University of Washington introductory web development course.

This project is a trading card maker that implements an API call to find images to use. Also done for a University of Washington introductory web development course.

This project is a very simple plant generator that uses L-systems and recursive draw calls to generate plantlike structures.

Retired Projects

Code can be found on my github for the following retired projects: